
Viewing 1 - 16 out of 31 posts


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Mindfulness Of White Privilege

 By June Atkind LICSW  In this present moment in 2020, protest marches, vigils, and extensive media coverage are bringing awareness of racism and racial injustice to the forefront. But what happens Read More

Mindfulness In Scary Times

Posted by June Atkind, LICSW It is impossible to open a newspaper or turn on the tv, the radio, or any electronic device, or leave one’s home, or engage in conversation, Read More

Mindfulness When Things Go Wrong

Posted by June Atkind, LICSWMeditation can be intrinsically rewarding – a brief vacation  or respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life, a relaxing or refreshing activity, or even Read More

The Truth About Baby Boomers

Posted by Darlene Corbett LICSW Several years ago, I wrote two articles about the options we now have in the later chapters of our life journey. They were submitted to an Read More

Call The Psychiatrist

 Posted by Kim White, MD   According to the CDC, approximately 13% of Americans are taking antidepressants. Yet across the United States, there is a growing shortage of Psychiatrists. This shortfall Read More

Dear Mindful Grump

Posted by Deborah Rosenbaum, Ph.D. So by now we have all heard that being mindful can be beneficial in a world of different ways, from helping us show up more fully Read More

Set your GPS for Successful New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by June Atkind LICSW The New Year’s Eve ball has dropped, 2019 has begun, and we’re returning to “life as usual” after the disruption of routines that occurs during the Read More

Getting ahead on your New Year’s resolutions: Self-monitoring for change

Posted by Lori Eisner, PhD As 2018 draws to a close, many people will be starting to think about their New Year’s resolutions and how they want to be different in Read More

How to Keep Stress Out of the Bedroom

Posted by Noreen Kavanaugh Stress can wreak havoc on a couple’s sex life. We are all aware that stress at times interferes with our sleep, our eating habits, and even our Read More

In Praise of Couple/Family Therapy

Posted by Mark Golden, LICSWPreviously published in "Social Work Voice" Vol 1, No 5 - July/Aug 2018  For 37 years I’ve practiced as a clinical social worker, the last 17 in Read More

Living With Uncertainty

 Posted by Naomi Litrownik, LICSW   It was a late, sunny, summer Sunday afternoon in 1965, when the phone rang. Being home alone, I picked it up and heard the familiar voice Read More

Tune In

 Posted by Rachel Hulstein-Lowe, LICSW  I was listening to Shankar Vendentam’s podcast  Hidden Brain  earlier this week. The episode,  Baby Talk  , centered on research that has decoded baby babbling. As Read More

Jack Pearson Buys a Car Through an ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) Lens

 Posted by June Atkind, LICSW  My apologies to those who may be asking themselves, “Who is Jack Pearson.” For the rest of us, who are dedicated fans, leaning forward each week Read More

Mindfulness Of Relationships

 Posted by June Atkind, LICSW  As Valentine’s Day approaches, it is hard to ignore the importance of letting our loved ones know how special they are to us. The reminders to Read More

Can You Forgive Me?

Posted by Michelle Avigan, Ph.D. We cannot love without hurting and being hurt. It is impossible for it to be otherwise. When we are truly close and connected with another person, Read More

Back To Basics

 Posted by Kim White, MD   When I meet new patients in my office, the stories and sufferings are as varied as we know life itself to be. During evaluations Read More

Viewing 1 - 16 out of 31 posts


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Needham Psychotherapy Associates, LLC


1040 Great Plain Avenue,
3rd Floor, Suite A,
Needham, MA 02492



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Hours are specific to each clinician


Hours are specific to each clinician


Hours are specific to each clinician


Hours are specific to each clinician



